WITHOUT WIRES - It has long been known that telegraphic messages could be
transmitted without the use of wires, and many years since signals were
sent across the Bristol Channel by the use of water as the conducting medium;
but in that case the water through which the signals passed was enclosed
in a tube, so that it was, in truth, only the substitution of a wire of
water, if the term can be used, for the metallic wire usually employed.
Prof. Loomis now proposes to go further; he claims to have discovered a
mode of transmitting messages by electrical air currents, and is seeking
an opportunity for making experiments on the summit of Mont Blanc.
JUNE 17, 1870
2 Last Monday
a tender husband, named Charles Smith was fined $200 for beating his wife.
We regard the sentence as a piece of gross injustice. If a man feels the
spirit move him to take a club and beat a woman it is certainly more conducive
to the peace of society to do it in the privacy of his own domestic circle
than to go abroad among his neighbors and beat the wife of somebody else.
Besides, in the latter case the chances are, doubtless, that it would be
well deserved, but in the former it is impossible to err except upon the
side of mercy, and it is better that ninety and nine innocent should be
pounded than that one guilty should escape. [S. F. News]
APRIL 30, 18703
"It cannot but be a custom most insulting to nature to shave off the
beard, which, if kept in proper trim, as birds and beasts instinctively
keep their plumage and hair in good order, completes the perfection of a
man's face, and the external distinction of the sexes; and, whatever ladies
pretend to the contrary, renders him far more attractive to women - at any
rate when custom has had time to lessen their seeming repugnance; for their
preference to men with good whiskers is certain". 4 RUSSO-AMERICAN: CANADA - The Dublin
Times has a long and able article upon the purchase of Russian America by
the Washington Government, and the position and relations of the new Dominion
of Canada. The Times says, "Vancouver and British Columbia are ours,
and these must at all times be defended from aggression by a fleet,"
Again, "It is the duty of England, therefore, to complete the union
of the British Provinces as rapidly as may be, and to make communication
between Quebec a matter of four days travel." In speaking of a railway
between Halifax and Quebec it says it will be connected with the Grand Trunk
line, with the lake system of navigation, and the road through the passes
of the Rocky Mountains to British Columbia, which has now enrolled herself
as a member of the Canadian Confederation. Respecting the Russo-American
bargain the same paper remarks, "If the emperor of the French is allowed
to purchase the Duchy of Luxembourg, with two hundred and fifty thousand
inhabitants and an impregnable fortress, America may fairly claim full liberty
to make a bargain with Russia for a frozen region occupied by the bear,
wolf, and Arctic fox." The Times apprehends, as the only evil at all
likely to result from the transfer, a diplomatic warfare, long and wearisome,
in the settlement of the as yet undefined boundaries between British Columbia
and the new territory, which may embitter the relations between the two
The decadal year is complete to-day, since I last folded my little fondlings
in my arms, and kissed the tear from the pale cheek of my loving wife, to
depart for the gold regions in search of wealth. I see the little cluster
now (a picture never to be expunged) as I saw them for the last time, pale
and trembling, with hearts too full for utterance; and wafted upon every
breeze, methinks I hear the tiny voices exclaiming - "Father, dear
father, come home." Alas! my home never more! . . . The stranger has
it; my little ones are paupers. Grief has broken the heart to me so dear,
and she sleeps in the village churchyard near by. Ten years have I led the
life of a hermit, enticed through the wilderness year after year, by the
glittering hell-born phantom, until health, hope, wife, home, all are gone...
"All's lost now." Oh, gold! gold! gold! thou dazzling demon, what
anguish hast thou not cost me? Why was I not content? Did I not rise as
refreshed from my pallet of straw, as the rich man from his bed of down?
Was not my humble meal sweeter to me than dainties and wines to the satiated
appetite of the rich? The prattle of my little ones was sweet music to my
ear, and the smiles of her I loved were sunshine to my soul. But that picture
has passed; the great panorama rolls on. A few more revolutions and the
curtain falls. "Tis the end; 'tis well."
W. -
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| Return to News Archive6 A MAN ATTACKED BY MONKEYS - The Escaut
of Antwerp relates an incident which occurred last week in the Zoological
Gardens of that town. In the evening one of the keepers, armed with a long
whip, entered the large cage of the monkey tribe, for the purpose of driving
them to their respective compartments. All the inmates scampered off to
their cages with the exception of one of the oldest and largest, which obstinately
refused to come down from his perch, and on receiving a sharp lash with
the whip, it leaped on the keeper, got astride on his shoulders, and began
to scratch and bite him with great fury. The keeper beat the monkey with
the handle of the whip, and would soon have got rid of him had not the other
monkeys come to their companion's assistance and joined in the attack. Thus
assailed, the man was obliged to cry out for help, and several keepers hastened
to the spot, and on their approach the animals took to flight. The man,
who was terribly scratched and bitten in 23 places, lost so much blood that
he was obliged to keep to his bed for two days.
OCTOBER 14, 18657
The Markets during the week have exhibited a little firmness, merchants
being unwilling to part with their goods at the ruinous prices which they
have lately fallen to. Since our last issue a great many trains have arrived
augmenting the large stocks already on hand. Further arrivals are daily
The following are the retail prices:
Flour, 24 cts per lb;
Bacon, 50 cts; Beans, 35 cts;
Coffee, 75 cts; Tea, $1;
Sugar, 50 cts;
Hams, 62 1-2 cts;
Syrup, 50 cts;
Butter, $1 25;
Rice, 30 cts;
Yeast Powder, 62 1-2 cts per box;
Potatoes, 30 cts per lb.;
Turnips, 18 cts;
Onions, none on hand;
Beef, 40 cts;
Mutton 40 to 50 cts;
Veal, 50 cts.
On Cunningham creek Flour is selling at 35 cents per pound.
At Van Winkle Flour brings 32 cts per lb.
- A new disease called by physicians Meningitis, has made its appearance
in several towns on Long Island. Its symptoms are inflammation about the
head, with dizziness and restlessness, the membranes of the brain and spinal
cord are much inflamed. There is during the second stage of the disease,
which shortly follows, perhaps in a day or two, contractions of the body
in all the different attitudes imaginable, which is accompanied with intense
pain and suffering by the patient, finally the victim of the disease reaches
the third stage, and reaction then takes place with stupor and the patient
dies. Scarcely any one afflicted with this much dreaded disease recovers.
A miner named Chipps fell over a log the other day and had one of his legs
broken. A short time ago he fell down the Chipps shaft and was much hurt,
but had recovered from the effects of that accident.
MAY 28, 1870 10 GOOD PAY - The
Lightning co., on Lightning creek, last week took out 205 oz. of gold from
a piece of ground measuring 9 feet by 8 2/3. This week they are getting
100 oz to the set of timbers, and expect to have 400 or 500 oz. at the end
of the week.
MAY 28, 187011 MISSING
MEN - Two young men who had taken a farm on an island near North Saanich
have been missed for some time. Search has been made but without finding
any traces of them. Their names are John Harde and Joseph Alphont. It is
supposed that they have been murdered by Indians on their lonely island.
- [Victoria Standard]
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| Return to News Archive 12 A NEW EMPLOYMENT
FOR THE CHINESE. - A correspondent of the London Times recommends that Chinamen
be enlisted in the English army, for the reasons that they are hardy, strong,
good-tempered, and can stand heat and cold; that they make excellent soldiers,
and will eat anything, "from roast beef and plum pudding to rice and
JUNE 27, 186713
CHINESE CASE - NOVEL PROCEEDINGS: In the case of the People v. Cook Hang,
for attempting to commit murder, in assaulting one Ah Poon, a few weeks
since, says the "Grass Valley National, the proceedings were decidedly
novel. The witnesses, to the number of twelve or fifteen on each side, were
all Chinamen, and in order to insure a truthful statement of facts, were
sworn according to Chinese custom, which is to swear on the head of a dead
chicken. Two chickens were produced in court, one for the witnesses on either
side. Each man in his turn knelt down before a miniature altar, or something
of the kind, consisting of several wax tapers stuck into the half of a large
"murphy," and thereafter bowing three times to floor, went through
with a prayer of some kind, winding up the same with a most emphatic lick
with a cleaver at the unfortunate chicken. This being through with, a yellow
paper, bearing numerous characters, was handed him, which he burned. Whether
even this, to them most solemn oath, will compel them to tell the truth,
is doubtful. Lying seems to be their second nature. Judging from the number
and character of the witnesses, the trial will probably occupy several days.
JUNE 27, 186714
THE POWER OF MUSIC - A little boy was seen to pick up a stone to throw at
a robin on a low limb of a tree. At that moment the bird began to sing and
seemed to warble his best. The boy raised his arm but let it drop again
and finally dropped the stone. When asked why he did not throw the stone,
he said, "because it sings so."
AUGUST 20, 187015
Cowden Clarke tells a good story of a gentleman who lately, in making a
return of his income to the tax Commissioners, wrote on the paper:-"For
the last three years my income has been somewhat under £150: in future
it will be more precarious, as the man is dead of whom I borrowed the money." 16 SAN FRANCISCO
CENSUS - The census of San Francisco has been taken and the population of
whites estimated at 120,000 and Chinese at 12,000 making the tenth part
of the inhabitants of San Francisco Chinese.
AUGUST 13, 1870 17
SHEET IRON STOMACH- A few days since a farmer dropped into a bar-room in
Norwich, Connecticut, and called for brandy. It was placed before him, and
filling his glass, he scarcely diluted it with water, and raised it to his
lips. But, oh, horror of horrors! while yet the tumbler was poised in the
air, the barkeeper glanced at the bottle, and the inscription was "Jamaica
Ginger." The poor man had swallowed an amount of fiery potion sufficient
to regulate an army of schoolboys in the green-apple season. Two terrified
to speak, the dispenser of beer gazed at the unhappy victim in horror, momentarily
expecting a corpse on his hands; but, while the air grew thick around him,
the countryman slowly removed the glass, gently clasped his hands before
him, and said, with a sigh, "Stranger, give us another drink of that-it's
kinder warmin' on a day like this." 18 Two gentlemen
angling in the Thames at Newham lately could not agree upon the appearance
of one of their favorite baits, the horsefly, and they agreed to refer the
question to a rustic whom they saw ploughing at a little distance, and accosted
him thus:- "Did you ever see a horse fly?" "Whoy." said
Hodge, with some astonishment, "Noa, I never seed a horse fly, but
I once seed a cow fall down a hole."19
HOW DEEP CAN SHAFTS BE SUNK: - The question occurs to the miner who sinks
down a shaft for three or four hundred feet, "How far might I descend
without being burnt out, or froze out, or which?" The student of natural
science, who adopts the theory of internal heat, and recognizes as correct
the present observed rate of increase of temperature with depth, would answer
as follows: Water would boil at the depth of 2,430 yards, lead would melt
at the depth of 8,400 yards, and gold would melt at the depth of 21 miles.
JUNE 27, 186720
It is estimated that about two-thirds of the surface of the Globe is covered
with water. Although millions of living creatures slake their thirst daily
the quantity of water has not been materially diminished for centuries past,
at least, not since the introduction of whiskey shops, which prove a great
saving of water, and are therefore an immense benefit to navigation.
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| Return to News Archive 21 INEXPLOSIVE GUNPOWDER:
- A London letter of recent date says: "beside the method rendering
gunpowder inexplosive, invented by Mr. Gale, and which the Government seems
disposed to purchase, we have two new explosives: One is a very strong gunpowder,
which is made up of two portions like a seldlitz powder, each inexplosive
by itself, to be mixed together before loading the rifle. It has been tried
at our nearest shooting grounds it is said with good success. The other
is a mixture for blasting, a liquid composed of one part of glycerin and
three parts of nitric acid. This is poured into a very small hole in a rock,
and some water - the only damping required - is poured on top. A fuse passing
through the water, explodes the mixture with a force so much greater than
gunpowder as to very much reduce the cost of such operations."
OCTOBER 14, 186522
A HOAX.-The telegram purporting to give an account of the execution of (Jefferson)
Davis and Breckinridge was a hoax, practiced, it is said, by some waggish
operators at or near New Westminster, who, finding the wires down below
Seattle, repaired to the roof of a building over which the wires ran, and
applying a small instrument to it manufactured the dispatch out of whole
cloth. The operator at New Westminster was deceived-so was the 'Columbian'
editor; and, we may as well confess, so were we of the 'Chronicle'-badly.
The public took the hanging to heart very much and two private dwellings
displayed ensignia of mourning for Jefferson Davis, who turns out to be
alive, if not actually kicking. The "sell" was a cruel one and
will not bear repeating.-Victoria 'Chronicle'
JUNE 7th, 1865 23 A GOOD PRICE
- The Chinawoman who was kidnapped by a Chinaman and sent to Nanaimo, was
sold at the rate of $4 per lb. A good business to go into - raising Chinawoman.
- [Victoria Standard]
AUGUST 13, 1870 24
ELECTRICITY THE CAUSE OF ANIMAL COLORS: - M. Nicolas Wagner has recently
brought before the Academy of Sciences experiments which seem to show that
electric currents are the cause of the colors, at least of some animals.
These experiments were made on a species of diurnal butterfly (Vanessa urtica).
Electric currents changed the reds into orange, and the blacks into red;
and the most feeble current, especially if from a constant battery, produced
black spots, the shape of which had a relation to the current. He ascertained,
by means of an extremely sensitive apparatus, that not only does electricity
nodify, and even produce colors, but that those found in the butterfly are
due to currents in the wings of the animal - the most energetic of which
issues from the base of the wing, and follows the middle nervure till it
reaches the outer edge. -- S. & M. Press
JUNE 27, 186725
WHO IS TO BLAME? - The mail that was dispatched from Richfield on Monday
last reached Richfield again to-day! and the New Westminster mail has not
arrived. Very great disappointment and inconvenience has been the result.
We hope there will be a searching investigation into this neglect of duty
on the part of someone.
JUNE 10th, 186526
THE ROAD SIDE HOUSES. - There are now a great number of hotels established
along the waggon road from Yale to Soda Creek, many of which are exceedingly
well kept, but we regret to say not a few of them are far from being creditable
to the enterprise of their owners. We shall give a full list of those we
visited as soon as our space will permit, distinguishing those we found
up to the requirements of the times. We must not omit however to just pay
a pssing tribute of praise to the following for their good cooking, excellent
beds, and sumptuous fare, viz: Mr. & Mrs. Kayes': Sergeant McMurphy's:
Mr & Mrs. Walters'; Blair Bros'.; also, Mr. & Mrs. Hamilton's, at
Beaver Pass; and Mr. McCaffery's at Van Winkle.
JUNE 9TH, 186527
DESTRUCTION OF IDAHO CITY.-Idaho City has been burned to the ground, the
loss being computed at $600,000. About $50,000 worth of goods was saved.
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| Return to News Archive 28 WINNING A WAGER-A
curious event that occurred recently on the frontiers of Austrian Gallicia
illustrates the value of life in these parts. A Cossack, who was sitting
in a pothouse among the peasants, began boasting about his skill in shooting,
and declared that he could shoot the hat off any man's head at 50 yards
distance. A peasant thinking himself clever, offered a wager that he could
not do it to him. The Cossack accepted, and the peasant pulled his hat as
tightly as he could down over his eyes, chuckling at the thought that it
would be impossible for the Cossack to shoot it off. And so it was, the
peasant won the wager but unfortunately the bullet passed through the middle
of his forehead. The Cossack on being brought before the Judge, declared
that he had done the trick fifty times, and if the Judge doubted him he
had only to come out in front of the court and he would prove it upon his
hat. The judge declined the flattering proposition, and the Cossack escaped
with two months' imprisonment.
JULY 20, 186529
On Sunday night, July 16th, a man named Timothy Laye, of South Boston, Mass.,
slipped from the gang plank of the Brother Jonathan into Esquimalt harbor
and was drowned; his body was found the next day.
JULY 16TH, 186530
IMPOSSIBLE - A courteous Frenchman, in reply to a question why woman was
not admitted into the Chamber of Deputies said that to be a member it was
requisite to be 40 years of age and it was impossible to suppose that any
lady should reach that unseemly age.
AUGUST 20, 1870 31 A new definition
- Policeman - a man employed by the corporation to sleep in the open air.
March 4, 1870. It is not unlikely that you expect to hear something from
me from the Bay City, the pride of the West. A glance at San Francisco satisfied
me as to its right to the the title of the commercial metropolis of the
Pacific, which Victoria so foolishly persists in claiming but will never
Quite a number of Caribooites are staying down here at present, some of
them intending to return by the next steamer.
If the news we have received lately by telegraph be correct, British Columbia
will soon be undergoing the desirable change she has been longing for so
much, obtaining terms more favourable than any she asked. Victoria, it appears,
is to be propped up by the erection of a dry dock, and the confirmation
of Esquimalt as the naval station on the Pacific. As a whole, allow me to
congratulate you in British Columbia on the bright future in store for you,
and which these terms of Confederation so significantly indicate.
APRIL 2, 1870 33 An honest, bluff,
country farmer, meeting the parson of the parish in a by-lane, and not giving
him the way so readily as he expected, the parson, with an erect crest,
told him he was better fed than taught. "Very true, indeed, sir,"
replied the farmer, "for you teach me, and i feed myself."