On the Boston express train for New York the other evening were two sporting
men from the "hub" who, as the cars started from the depot in
this city made a great disturbance concerning the seat in the car which
they occupied, frightening many ladies and causing much excitement. The
train was stopped at the foot of Asylum street, and the roughs were invited
to get off. This they refused to do, and officers Ryan, Darling and Crane
being nearby and hearing the loud talk, proceeded to render the passengers
assistance. Officer Ryan entered the car first, when he was immediately
confronted by one of the sports, who drew off to strike him, not knowing
the man he had to deal with. The officer parried the blow and sent one in
return, which completely demolished the fellow, and he became as docile
as a lamb. He was removed to the station house, where he anxiously inquired
who the man was who hit him. Sid. Cowles informed him that it was a little
chap they kept for such occasions named Ryan. " What, is he the one
who knocked Jim Coburn, the fighter?" asked the representative of the
"hub." "The same," was the reply. "Well all I van
say is, I'd rather have Heenan hit me than have him." - Hartford