Barkerville, Williams Creek, Cariboo

Letters to the Editor

Letters concerning the Williams Creek Fire Brigade
Why Gold Has Decreased in Value
The First and the Fourth
February 16
Lo! The Poor Negroe


Editor Sentinel: - There seems to be nothing doing for the celebration of Dominion and Independence days. Probably the dull times have dulled the appetite for recreation and as the two days come so closely together the prospect for two calls for subscriptions may increase the apathy. I would suggest, therefore, that all should unite and celebrate both days at once. By so doing a good list of sports might be arranged which would attract miners from the outside creeks and the people on the road. Let us drive dull care away by laughing still.

JUNE 11, 1870


The Editor: - I wish to contradict, through your paper, a report circulated that I have on hand a large quantity of coal oil, and am holding it with a view to monopolize the trade in that article. Such a report having tendency to injure my trade, I flatly contradict it, and say that I have not sufficient for my own use.



Editor Sentinel: - In your issue of the 12th February there is an article headed "Lo! the poor negro." taken from the Mobile Times. Seemingly, there are two sides to the article; will you have the kindness to publish the brighter side:

General Howard has published a letter contradicting the prevailing statements about the decrease of the coloured people. He shows by the statistics that not only has there been no decrease since the Emancipation Proclamation was issued, but that the negroes are more thrifty and prosperous than before, and are making rapid advances in education, agreeing in substance with President Grant, "That wherever the freed men receive a fair compensation for their labour they are thriving and prosperous. "And there are almost no births.

A medical gentleman of high repute informs us that where one negro is born now, there were a dozen ushered into the world before the fiat of war made them freemen." The statistics of miscegenation given in the United States prior to the proclamation, shows the whole number of malattoes, free and slaves, to be 588,352 of whom 69,969 belonged to the free States and 518,383 to the slave States -- number greater than the combined white population of Arkansas, Delaware and Florida; greater than the white population of Maryland; almost twice that of South Carolina, and twice as great as the combined population of Delaware and Florida. The miscegenated population of Virginia alone exceeds the number of whites in Delaware and Florida.

If the "gentleman of high repute" considers before, "the fiat of war made them freemen" that the slaves, to a very great extent, were not allowed to marry, he cannot fail to see that the miscegenated population of the South were considerably beyond the legitimate proportion. They are now freemen. They can read God's holy word and learn therefrom that marriage is honorable, and one of the noblest and greatest gifts of God to man. White they themselves may obey the divine command, may they not stay that wrong which has been inflicted on them for nearly a hundred years; and in staying that wrong, would it not be consistent to think that there would be a falling off of births, rather than charge it to the god-giving rights of freedom.--[San Antonio Express]

There are journalists who are ever ready to scrape up everything that is detrimental to the progress of the black man, and only that, and would rather dabble in politics that would bind him hand and feet and cast him again into the outer darkness of slavery.

MARCH 12, 1870
To de Editer ob de 'CARIBOO SENTAL'

It gibs me much pleasure indee to see genelman ob your cloth on Wiliams Crek dis air season, an' hope, sar, de indefatable entarprice an' de talen I sees 'splayed in de columbs ob yer valable jernal will meet wid its juss rewad, dat is, dat de paper will pay big; for 'low me to tell yer, mister editer, its de dimes we's all arter in dis counry, de boys dey says "its ebery man for hisself an' de debil for us all" in dis air counry, but I hope, sar, de debil wont get you or de paper eider; but take de culed fren's adwice 'bout looking arter No. 1.

I bleave, sar, I wont be dispointed in hopin yer a goin to stick up for wats rite an' on de squarr, an' gib eberyting an' eberybody a rap on de knuckles dats wrong an' not on de squarr; dont be scared, mister editer, to talk up to de boys, dey like it all de better for dat, juss like wat I sees in de 'Spatch' bout a young genelman dat walops him wife till she sing 'murder' an' runs 'way, nex day write him lobing 'pistle, 'claring she neber will be happy agin till 'longside ob her own dear Charley.

I dont dout, sar, de paper will 'tain heap dat's headfying and instructin to de miners ob dis counry, but dont flatter yerself, mister editer, dat de teeching will be all on your side ob de kitchin, an' emneting from yer own valable resaucers 'tirely, coss if yer does yer slip up on dat air 'rangment, you get darn sight to larn from de poplation ob dis garden ob 'Lestials, Injuns, white men and culed genelmen, an' darn sight to see dat'll sprise an' muse yer. Dere's de breed ob dogs dat nabits dese regons, dey's a curosity dey is demselves; nobody in dis worl eber seed sich a lot ob carnines togeder, or eber heerd sich a noise as dey makes; dey's de bery 'centrated ensense ob bliss dey is, 'specially when dere's a muss 'mong dem, dey seems to lib on musses, yet dey propgates offal fas. Arter de dogs dere's de udder animal dat puzzles me 'markable, de genelman dat goes round all de day wid de pocket an' puts on de frills; dont know how him lib, yet 'peers to get all de fat bones to pick, so some folks say him lib on BOOKS, on DECK, if dats de case him offul vegtarian, an' grate charity of Capin Cox to change him diet, an' sen him below.

Dere's de style of pugilistickism in dis counry, bery headfyin an' 'musin; if eber you get in a muss, mister editer, neber tink to get out ob it on de squarr, if yer do yer gon in shure, pick up trifle like de axe, crowbar, or anyting ob dat sort dat's not too hard, dat's de style, if deare's noting ob dat kine round de boot berry good substute, or shub de tum into de corner ob his eye, and be sure de eye cums out 'fore de tum den when its out kick it in 'gain wid de boot, dat de style Maria. Dere's de new 'scobery in de surgical 'fession dat oughter gain worl wide 'nown for de 'scoberer an also de leder medal ob de inhumane sciety, de genelman dat vented de "gum boot gout," sar, is wastin de valable time in Cariboo, 'fessin what, he oughter be larnin in some counery more 'dapted for de study ob de biz; de 'spectable youth oughter "trow fisick to de dogs." or quit for sum place where he cud larn someting ob de 'fession.

Dere's de Dush gals, dey's purty smart gals, mister editer, to hold dere own in dis counry, poor gals, I hope dey may continy to do so; de stokeepers is offul down on 'em, coss dey krell all de dimes, bully for de gals, deys's on it, you bet, on de make I means, sar; de sloon keepers, dere offul down on de gals too, coss dey draw de boys, and draw de dollars; but de sloon keepers oughter know dat de dance gals aluss took better dan anyting else in Californey, de meenus man will spen a dollar for a dance, coss "him dearly lubs de lasses, O." I hear de boys say dere's to be a 'lection at de Mouth soon, I hope, sar, yer goin to put de best man in, de culed genelman de best, but as de 'jority ob de boys is not culed genelman, best for de counry's good to put in de white man, assiss de subjecs, mister editer, ob dis loyal counry to get good resprentives. Hopin dese few 'marks will fine yer well, an' rum for 'sertion in yer valable columbs,
I am, yours in brudderly 'fliction,

P.S. - I'd most forgot to add, on behaf ob de 'tilligent culed poplation on dis crek, deys 'pointed me de litary cracker to sen 'butions to yer valable jernel.
[Our correspondent's contributions will always be most acceptable.-Ed.]
JULY, 1865

SIR,-Can you tell me why gold decreases in value? Last year either of the banks at Williams creek paid me $16.75, and as high as $16.87 1/2 per ounce for dust from this vicinity and now, after the tax of .50 cents is abolished, they still stick to the old price of $16.75. Perhaps the great quantities of gold obtained from here overstocks the market. I have been here since '62 and this gold has never been worth less than $17.00 per oz.

Yours Truly,


Van Winkle, May 16, 1866.

[We have made enquiry with regard to the above, and find that the reason the Banks have made so little difference in the price of gold dust since the gold tax was abolished, is that they were losing money by giving the price of last year. Lightning dust is worth $16.50 , Davis Creek $17.00, Burnes and Nelson $16.75.-Ed, C.S.]


As a tribute of our gratitude and sincere thanks for their heroic and persistent efforts in subduing the fire in the forest immediately adjacent to our Slaughter house and corrals, thereby saving our property, valued at $5,000 from imminent destruction."

June 4, 1869

The week following the insertion of this card a reader in Richfield disagreed with the opinion that the W.C.F.B. was either 'heroic or persistent', and said "the hand of Providence was with us, not the Barkerville Fire Brigade."

Dominic Sampson of Slum Gulch in turn responded

"Sir, my leisure hours are devoted principally to the study of matters theological, and I should like to be made acquainted with your correspondent, as I believe I can convince him that since the time when our Saviour was on earth, Providence has not vouchsafed to work any miracles at all, not even for endangered cities of far more importance than Richfield."

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