Moses' Hair Invigorator
Fell's Coffee
Advertisements from Quesnellemouth (present
day Quesnel)
Cameron's Pioneer Hotel
The Post Office
Thos. L. Briggs
A Card
To prevent baldness, restore hair that
has fallen off or become thin and to cure effectually scurf or dandruff.
It will also relieve the Headache, and give the hair a darker and glossy
color, and the free use of it will keep both the skin and hair in a
healthy state. Ladies will find the Invigorator a great addition to
toilette, both in consideration of the delicate and agreeable perfume
and the great facility it affords in dressing the hair, which, when
moist with it, can be dressed in any required form, so as to preserve
its place whether plain or in curls. When used on children's heads,
it lays the foundation for a good head of hair.
Prepared only by W.D.Moses, Barkerville, Williams Creek
To Whom It May Concern,
This is to certify that from some cause
or complaint of the head our hair commenced falling out so readily that
we feared we should lose the whole. In this condition we went to W.
D. Moses, and strange to relate, in three applications of his wonderful
Hair Restorative our hair became as strong as ever, and is now soft
and lively. We make this certificate with pleasure, believing it to
be for the public good.
George Coffrin, Cameronton
Robert Warren, Barkerville
H. S. Redgrave, Richfield
Williams Creek, 1st July, 1865
The Universal Practice of mixing Chicory
and other adulteratives with Coffee, has very much damaged in public
estimation, what ought to be the most deli cious of Beverages. So effectively
have the public been drugged with such mixtures that the true properties
have been lost sight of, and many prefer a black and thick infusion
to a drink rich in spirit and aroma. General as is the use of Coffee,
it is little known that in condensing the vapors extracted from the
berry in roasting, a liquor is obtained of the most nauseous taste and
of a scent the most unbearable. Under such circumstances it is evidently
important that all the gases and fluids extracted by roast ing should
be carried off as quickly as possible in order to prevent their returning
again to the Coffee which is the case in the confined cylinder. This
object is admira bly accomplished by the new and patent "Conical
Coffee Roaster" as used by FELL & CO., Victoria, in which the
berry is directly exposed to the radiated heat, and the vapor extracted
carried off instantaneously. In addition to the advantage to be derived
by the rapid removal of the steam containing the objectionable properties,
the pure aroma of the Coffee is retained; the essential oil being preserved
and not exhausted as in the Cylinder, Roaster, where the Coffee is required
to remain a much longer time in consequence of the steaming it under
goes by the confined steam. It is chemically impossible to retain the
qualities or arrest the deterioration of Coffee when ground. The heat
engendered by the process of roasting, and especially of grind ing,
creates an action to the elementary parts which gradually destroys the
fine ness of drink. But to retain the essential oil which it contains
we have it encased in tins containing from 4lb to 28lb, and which can
be had from any of the respectable dealers. We can confidently recommend
those who hither to been obliged to refrain from tak ing Coffee on account
of its ill effects, that they may use our Coffee, roasted in the Conical
Roaster, being recommended by all medical men under whose notice it
has been brought and by numerous other testimonials in its favour.
Coffee Merchants, Yates St., Victoria
P. l. Johnson, Proprietor,
Meals at all hours, and Cooking of the best description
Brown & Gillis, Proprietors
Good Beds : Restaurant : Billiard Table, &c.
Stabling for Horses, Hay and Oats
Old Established General Store
Storage, &c.Terms most Moderate
Wholesale and Retail Merchants
Dealers in Provisions, Liquors, Tobacco &c.
A good selection of Liquors always on hand
It's Not Every Day we kill a pig! Miners
will please take notice that on Sunday, September 5, there will be a
grand Fresh Pork and Green Apple Sauce Dinner, Oyster Soup; Roast Mutton
and New Potatoes; Pickled Tongue and Cabbage; Boiled Veal and Green
Peas; Plum Pudding and Rhubarb Pie; with tea, coffee, cider, Milk, or
Lager Beer included. Dinner commences at half past 11 o'clock, a. m.
Price $1.50 at Cameron's Pioneeer Hotel, Cameronton.
July 22, 1865
The Postmaster has affixed a drop letterbox
to the Post office window, so that parties can purchase stamps and post
letters, at any hour. This will be of great convenience to miners from
the outside creeks and to the public generally. A placard under the
box given the rates of postage: To England, Ireland and Scotland, 50c;
to Victoria or New Westminster, 25c, and 121/2c to offices on the way.
May 28, 1870
Small Profits & Quick Returns! Just
received and now on the way, 6000 pounds premium Sumass Fresh Butter.
For Sale, Retail at One Dollar per pound - also - 3000 gallons assorted
Liquors, in case or bulk, 500 gallons Devor's Coal Oil: 5000 lbs. English,
French and American candles, 10 bbls. No. 1 mountain Silver Trout. At
low rates for cash only. Thos L. Briggs & Co., Cameronton.
To all whom it may concern and to Mr.
STEPHEN MATTICE, in particular: I hereby challenge any man in the Cariboo
District, and the same Mr. Stephen Mattice especially, to contest with
me in a wrestling match for the sum of Two Hundred Dollars, of upwards,
two first falls. To wrestle in any fair or manly style that the said
Mattice or any other party may prefer. Any money deposited with Mr.
Robert Upsett, Arcade Saloon, Barkerville, in acceptance of this challenge
will be promptly accepted, as funds are there on hand to cover it.
Joseph Matthews for THOMAS STOCKER
July 2, 1870
Having, without authority, issued a
challenge through the medium of the SENTINEL for Mr. Thomas Stocker
to wrestle any man in Cariboo and Mr. Stephen Mattice in particular,
I hereby retract the same as Mr. Stocker repudiates my agency in any
matter pertaining to himself. JOSEPH MATTHEWS
Barkerville, July 4. 1870