Paris telegrams state that the capture of Saarbrucken by the French was
an important success owing to the strategic position obtained. Amsterdam
dispatches, on the contrary, say that is without military value.
Hard fighting took place at Weissenburg and the Prussians gained a decisive
Portugal has proclaimed neutrality and the Hungarian legislature has decided
in favor of neutrality.
Unofficial reports state that the French took Saarlonis after a great battle.
Sweden and Norway have decided for neutrality.
A Paris telegram says that 100,000 Italian soldiers would soon be fighting
on the French side.
Dispatches from Napoleon say that communication with McMahon had been cut
off. McMahon's loss was great, but his retreat was effected in good order.
Dispatches from the Crown Prince of Prussia state that McMahon was defeated
in a battle fought near Worth.
English dispatches state that the contest between the Crown Prince of Prussia
and Marshal McMahon was only the beginning of a great struggle which ended
in favor of the French.
Later despatches via Berlin than the above state that the French Emperor
had withdrawn his entire force, which he was concentrating for the defense
of Paris. The Prussians overtook the French at a position west of Weissenburg,
from which the latter were driven at the point of the bayonet.
The Prussian King reported having captured 4,000 prisoners, 30 guns and
six revolving cannon.
After this victory the Prussians crossed into France for an advance on Paris.
Another great battle was expected.
The prisoners taken by the Crown Prince and Gen. Goelzer number 8,000.
McMahon reports his headquarters at Saverne, and that his corps suffered
less than reported.
The whole French army was driven back and is supposed to have taken position
between Metz and Nancy.