Buckskins, Blades and Biscuits
Buckskins, Blades
and Biscuits - 8 1/2x5 1/2" (14x21.5 cm) soft cover 174 pages This book
is a sketchbook of design and comment, detailing how to make accoutrements
and clothing of the American Frontier from 1700 to 1850. Allen Kent Johnston
brings history alive with colorful descriptions of yesteryear as he outlines
the methods of those times. |

Bush Basics |
Bush Basics, A common Sense
Guide To Backwoods Adventure - 5.5"x8.5" (14x21.5 cm) soft cover 175 pages
Bush Basics is an excellent resource that will provide both the novice
hiker and the seasoned veteran with some sound lessons to help them enjoy
their wilderness experience. If people were to learn and practise what
is outlined in this book, Search and Rescue teams would not be as busy
as they are today. |

Captain William Moore |
Captain William Moore, B.C.'s
Amazing Frontiersman - 5.5"x8.5" (14x21.5 cm) soft cover 62 pages One
of British Columbia's most colorful and adventurous pioneers was Captain
Williams Moore. He arrived during the 1852 gold rush to the Queen Charlotte
Islands, then took past in every stampede, including the Fraser River
in 1858, the Stikine River, the Big Bend of the Columbia River, the Cariboo,
the Omineca, the Cassiar which he and his sons discovered in 1973, the
Klondike and, finally, Nome in 1900 when he was 78. |

Cariboo Gold Rush |
Cariboo Gold Rush - 5.5"x8.5"
(14x21.5 cm) soft cover 94 pages Today's living memorial to the gold rush
that created B.C. is Barkerville on Williams Creek. Once "ƒthe largest
community north of San Francisco", it became a virtual ghost town after
the creeks were gleaned of their tons of gold. Fortunately, the Provincial
Government embarked on an ongoing restoration program. |

Crazy Cooks &
Gold Miners
Crazy Cooks and Gold Miners
- 8 1/2x5 1/2" (14x21.5 cm) soft cover 224 pages How any two people can
pack so many events and careers into one lifetime is a wonder. The life
of the author, Joyce Yardley, from a prim little girl who didn't want
to finish school, to learning to be a wife, a postmistress, a lady rancher,
a lodge and restaurant owner, and a goldpanner. She accomplished all of
that and more. |

Curse of Gold
Jack Mould and the Curse of
Gold - 8 1/2x5 1/2" (14x21.5 cm) soft cover 173 pages Elizabeth Hawkins
tells the tale of one man's search and discovery of one of British Columbia's
most infamous mysteries, Slumach's Lost Creek gold mine. And beyond that,
it is the tale of a man who is able to confront the curses that plague
all mortal men. |